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插件项目地址:RomRider/apexcharts-card: 📈 A Lovelace card to display advanced graphs and charts based on ApexChartsJS for Home Assistant (github.com)
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| type: custom:apexcharts-card experimental: color_threshold: true graph_span: 24h show: last_updated: true header: standard_format: false show: true show_states: true colorize_states: true title: Living Room Temperature now: show: true color: red label: Now series: - entity: sensor.weather_temperature name: 室外温度 type: line group_by: func: last duration: 5m stroke_width: 2 show: extremas: true header_color_threshold: true color_threshold: - value: 18 color: steelblue - value: 21 color: midnightblue - value: 22 color: orange - value: 23 color: orangered - value: 26 color: red - entity: sensor.weather_humidity name: 室外湿度 stroke_width: 2 show: in_chart: true - entity: sensor.0xa4c1380a60008845_temperature name: 客厅温度 stroke_width: 2 show: extremas: true header_color_threshold: true - entity: sensor.0xa4c1380a60008845_humidity name: 客厅湿度 stroke_width: 2 show: in_chart: true
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| type: custom:apexcharts-card experimental: color_threshold: true graph_span: 24h show: last_updated: true header: standard_format: false show: true show_states: true colorize_states: true title: Home Energy now: show: true color: red label: Now span: end: hour series: - entity: sensor.meter_power name: 总表 type: line group_by: func: avg duration: 5m stroke_width: 2 show: extremas: true header_color_threshold: true color_threshold: - value: 100 color: steelblue - value: 800 color: midnightblue - value: 1500 color: orange - value: 2000 color: orangered - value: 3000 color: red - entity: sensor.relay_2053cd_power name: 客厅 stroke_width: 2 group_by: func: avg duration: 5min - entity: sensor.relay_ecf998_power name: 书房 stroke_width: 2 show: in_chart: true group_by: func: avg duration: 5min - entity: sensor.plug_158d0001b19931_power name: 冰箱 stroke_width: 2 show: in_chart: true group_by: func: avg duration: 5min - entity: sensor.cabinet_meter_power name: 机柜 stroke_width: 2 show: in_chart: true group_by: func: avg duration: 5min - entity: sensor.server_power name: R730XD stroke_width: 2 show: in_chart: true extremas: true header_color_threshold: true group_by: func: avg duration: 5min
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| type: custom:apexcharts-card apex_config: chart: stacked: true graph_span: 14d span: end: day show: last_updated: true header: show: true show_states: true colorize_states: true title: 每日电费 series: - entity: sensor.meter_energy_daily_money name: 总表 type: column color: darkviolet group_by: func: max duration: 1d - entity: sensor.relay_2053cd_daily_money name: 客厅 type: column color: slateblue group_by: func: max duration: 1d - entity: sensor.relay_ecf998_daily_money name: 书房 type: column color: orangered group_by: func: max duration: 1d - entity: sensor.plug_158d0001b19931_energy_daily_money name: 冰箱 type: column color: orangered group_by: func: max duration: 1d - entity: sensor.cabinet_meter_energy_daily_money name: 机柜 type: column color: orangered group_by: func: max duration: 1d - entity: sensor.server_powerusage_daily_money name: R730XD type: column color: orangered group_by: func: max duration: 1d
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| type: custom:apexcharts-card chart_type: pie header: show: true show_states: true colorize_states: true title: Monthly Energy consumption in kWh series: - entity: sensor.relay_2053cd_monthly name: 客厅 - entity: sensor.relay_ecf998_monthly name: 书房 - entity: sensor.plug_158d0001b19931_energy_monthly name: 冰箱 - entity: sensor.cabinet_meter_energy_monthly name: 机柜 - entity: sensor.server_powerusage_monthly name: R730XD
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| type: custom:apexcharts-card experimental: color_threshold: true graph_span: 24h show: last_updated: true header: standard_format: false show: true show_states: true colorize_states: true title: Dell PowerEdge R730xd now: show: true color: red label: Now series: - entity: sensor.server_fans_speed_avg name: 机箱风扇 type: line group_by: func: last duration: 5m stroke_width: 2 show: extremas: true header_color_threshold: true color_threshold: - value: 18 color: steelblue - value: 21 color: midnightblue - value: 22 color: orange - value: 23 color: orangered - value: 26 color: red - entity: sensor.rawdellserverfan1 name: fan1 stroke_width: 2 show: in_chart: true - entity: sensor.rawdellserverfan2 name: fan2 stroke_width: 2 show: extremas: true header_color_threshold: true - entity: sensor.rawdellserverfan3 name: fan3 stroke_width: 2 show: in_chart: true - entity: sensor.rawdellserverfan4 name: fan4 stroke_width: 2 show: in_chart: true - entity: sensor.rawdellserverfan5 name: fan5 stroke_width: 2 show: in_chart: true - entity: sensor.rawdellserverfan6 name: fan6 stroke_width: 2 show: in_chart: true
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| type: custom:apexcharts-card header: show: true title: R730XD Temperature Levels show_states: true colorize_states: true chart_type: radialBar series: - entity: sensor.server_cpu1_temperature name: CPU1温度 - entity: sensor.server_cpu2_temperature name: CPU2温度 - entity: sensor.server_inlet_temperature name: 入口温度 - entity: sensor.server_exhaust_temperature name: 出口温度
1.HACS:HACS (github.com)
2.apexcharts-card: RomRider/apexcharts-card: 📈 A Lovelace card to display advanced graphs and charts based on ApexChartsJS for Home Assistant (github.com)
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